Cocktails and Books
Written on Nov 8, 2014
Silken Secrets by Laci Paige was a good book with a great emotional conflict with the characters of Troy, Devon and Cindy. Cindy has a group of roommates/ co workers who are truly lovable Billy, Damian and her best friend Linda. And their living arrangement is one that is unconventional but unique and something that I found a great lead into the book. The book has a great beginning that leads you to the conflict that arises with the main characters especially with Troy and Devon members of an infamous band called Sinful Souls and Cindy a life long friend. You can understand the angst of Cindy and her feelings for the band. Cindy has to confront her past as well as the most other members of the band which makes the book more enthralling. Cindy discovers more about herself as the book goes on as well as the others which help you believe the interactions, dialogue and connection to the characters and yourself. The book flowed smoothly and was something that I loved to read however the ending was left to be desired for this reader.
I felt that the emotions of one of the characters was left hanging but that could be leading into future books so it is something that would not keep me from buying the book or other books by Laci Paige. I would have preferred a different outcome but as many readers find what the authors envision and write is not always what the readers want however it did not stop me from wanting to read the book or not recommend the book to others. Once again the ending may lead to more about these characters and how they change if the author pursues in writing about these characters in future novels. I found the book hard to put down and regardless of my disappointment at the end I loved the book and will be looking forward to reading more from this author. Authors always have a method to their “madness” so I am in no means upset with the Laci Paige and how Silken Secrets ended. It was not a bad ending at all and many readers would love the ending of this book so do not let my opinion deter you from the purchase of this book. It is definitely worth reading and adding to your collection.
Reviewed by Gwen for Cocktails and Books