Written on Aug 16, 2016
I have always been a big follower of his blog Nerd Fitness. It has been a long time since I have been in shape. I am working on it, though. Yesterday was my first day back at the gym. In college, i LOVED going to the gym. It seems I am actually an extrovert who isolated herself out of depression and fear and this year I have bloomed again. Anyway, in college, I would go to the gym, and aside from looking good I fully believe it helped stave off the crazies as long as it did. I was also a devoted Atkins follower at the time. I am a big believer that the two plus a healthy social life kept me sane for far longer than I would have been otherwise.
I discovered Nerd Fitness through a friend a couple of years ago, but I was still in the depth of depression and anxiety, and couldn't seem to get it together long enough to get out from under the murk to take proactive action. I am feeling lots better these days and went I came across this book at the Library I grabbed it and dove in.
I used to be a hardcore gamer. These days I am busy building my life and empire, so I am not as quite into games anymore. However, I am fascinated by taking gaming concepts and applying them to "real life". I am not sure how sad it is that I got ALL of his geeky references, but it did help with getting more out of the book.
The one thing that struck me was his description of collecting "underpants". Like we read about how to DO something. I have probably read every book twice on Paleo living but yet. I did do it for about year a couple of years a go and OMG I felt fanfreakingtastic!!! However, the holidays rolled around, and I felt like I had no support and fell off the wagon. hard. I still kept reading and reading and reading but I failed to take action. I had a whole treasure chest of underpants. Then yesterday I found out that Planet Fitness which is two blocks from my apartment was having a dollar sale. That's right you signed up for a dollar. Me being me I went all out and signed up for a black gold membership. Gotta checks out those massage chairs. SO I was all like Hillary the universe is telling you it is time. You want to have adventures and stuff, but you can't even walk the three blocks to the gym. You so outta shape you gotta take the bus. How are you going to travel? So I swallowed my pride and yes I took the bus for three blocks and in I went. And I exercised. And it felt great. Step one into making use of underpants.
I also enjoyed his take on Paleo. I am back into paleo and i love learning about it. He has some good tips if you are just a beginner. If you been in the Paleo world for a while then you already know what he writes but it was still a good refresher. I also liked his exercise. I want to do body weight exercises myself but at 300 pounds hahaha hahaha it is hard enough to drag my ass off the couch so I am focusing on getting stronger and losing weight then I will start a truly paleo exercise program.
All in all, I LOVED THIS BOOK!! I feel that this book has the potential to change so many lives. If you are geeky like me and feel that you are stuck on the couch, or that nerdy people can't look good or have real life adventures, then get this book, and you will see how wrong you are. I mean if you go to nerd fitness you will see some amazing transformations. It does not matter how far gone you are. I mean I smoked a pack a day for 21 years binged on pizza while watching FireFly again and again and playing hours in World of Warcraft and I am getting my ass off the couch. I quit smoking two years a go and yes it was hell. It was hard, but I did it. And now I am going to continue my epic transformation. No more collecting underpants for me. I am ready to LIVE!
This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land