Written on May 21, 2017
This cover is OK. A little generic in my opinion but I can picture the model as Noah. It's got good composition and unique title work as well. Similar to book one so good unity through the trilogy so far.
Book two picks up right where book one left us hanging. Some truths have been exposed, and Lucia is struggling to come to terms with everything. Noah remains his tortured self but knows if he and Lucia are to have a chance he is going to have to let her see all his demons.
I enjoyed this one a smidge less than I did book one. Same great writing and fast pace but this one felt a bit like a filler book. We don't really get much forward movement on the story until right near the end. I also found some parts a bit repetitive. That said I am still really intrigued were this one in headed especially with that tease right at the end. I am also really liking the secondary characters, and I hope these guys get books of their own. Now I wait ever so patiently for book three.