Written on Feb 2, 2014
First off I was waiting for something really bad to happen the whole way through but it never did happen, I thought Dylan was going to be a really horrible person but found out she wasn't even a bad person in the end. So I wondered why I was made to really not trust or like her.
Izzie annoyed me so much in this book, she was so self centered all of the time. Always blaming Brayden and making him feel like he was a horrible guy when in reality I completely understood every decision he made. I hated that Izzie didn't once try and look at things from his point of view. I just thought she was incredibly selfish.
Mira was annoyingly spineless and it drove me crazy. Her self confidence was completely shot down and she didn't even try to improve it. She just went along with what everyone else said and mopped around all the time. She needed other people to make her feel better and that was annoying.
The ending was very anti-climatic and boring. I was just bored most of the way through this. I felt like nothing happened.