Emma (SCR)
Written on Nov 15, 2013
Ceri has changed a lot since the first book. She has a better understanding of what is going on, of who she really is.
I trust Mark a lot more now. I don't think he is going to take advantage, I think he has really helped Ceri. the group sessions were an excellent way for her to complete the mission she was born to do.
Alex clearly loves her. He is very sweet. He would do absolutely anything for Ceri. I hope that they stay together and thing's do not go terribly wrong as the dreams have warned him.
I truly loved the scene at Versailles, it was so sweet. It sounds like a very pretty place. I hope I get to visit it one day.
Linn has left this book with another cliffhanger ending. Damn you Linn!
Only 2 months and 4 days til Forever is published. Not that I am counting. Obviously.