Written on Aug 2, 2020
Basic Bitchen is a fun new recipe style collection by Joey Skladani. Due out 4th Aug 2020 from Simon & Schuster on their Tiller Press imprint, it's 224 pages (hardcover) and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.
The general style of the text and collection is young, stylish, humorous, slightly snarky (ok,fairly snarky) and fun. The recipes have clever names and the author's voice is over the top in an irreverent exuberant way.
The layout is easy to follow and the recipes themselves are varied and tasty. An introduction covers the basics: stocking a pantry, necessary kitchen tools, and helpful tips. The following chapters include the recipes grouped thematically: Basic Bevs, Snappy Apps, Grand Entrance Entrees, Sinful Sweets, and Brunch (The most important meal of the day).
The recipes include a title, description with yields and prep/cooking time, ingredients in a bullet list, and step by step instructions. Ingredient measurements are given in American standard only (no metric). Alternative ingredients and additions as well as tips and hints are provided in highlighted text boxes. The recipes themselves are fairly straightforward and are made with easily sourced ingredients. Many are very simple, none of them are overly complex.
This would make a good choice for young culinary style-forward cooks, maybe newly moved into a new apartment, or living on their own for the first time. This is a fun niche cookbook. It won't be a staple in years to come, but for here-and-now, it's a fun choice.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.