Written on Jun 17, 2012
This book starts right where the second book left. And boy what a cliff hanger the second book left at!
Cassie and the coven are finding it odd with Faye as the new coven leader. They're trying to do everything they can to defeat Black John and discover who was behind the murderers but with Cassie's grandmother gone and Cassie's mother incapacitated just who are they supposed to turn to for help? Their new principle is making it hard and who is it that Cassie see's has joined their school?
Will the coven finally figure out who murdered the innocent? Will they be able defeat Black John with Faye as their new leader?
*WARNING: This section contains spoilers for the first two books!*
I feel that Cassie was very strong in this book. She was able to stand up for herself and others and she wasn't shy anymore. She took a step up. It was nice to see Cassie change and grow.
I didn't like Faye in this book because I felt like she went against everything that she is. She's a strong character and goes out and gets what she wants, but because of the events in this book she decided to become second and follow someone. That was weird to see with Faye.
Diana is so understanding that I wonder how much pain she is really feeling inside. It's odd not to see her in charge, she's quiet in this book but with understanding not pain even though she's had nearly everything ripped out from under her. For her to be so understanding is rather painful to watch, even though you know she is completely genuine.
Whenever I think about the writing of these books or really the style in which they are written in I get all warm and fuzzy. That's weird to say but what I mean is that I loved these books, they kind of felt like home. They were comfortable and so enjoyable. I was always drawn in whenever I picked up the book to read, I was able to relate to nearly every character in some small way at least.
It wasn't amazing writing, I didn't put down these books thinking of how beautifully and poetically they were written. I put them down feeling sad that I wouldn't get to read more about the world L. J. Smith has created, more about Cassie or the coven, I put them down feeling satisfied and full. I think that's more important. I was able to connect with these books, I was able to leave reality and be completely drawn in to the world, I was able to fall in love with this series. At the end of the day that's what I love about books and the stories they tell.
I loved this series but I do have to say that the whole time I've been waiting for something huge to happen. Something that never quite made it there. I'm not sure what this feeling was and it didn't make me feel annoyed or disappointed in anyway. It was simply just there as I was reading the books.
I also felt like that the romance I was expecting to happen never really happened. I was hanging out the whole time waiting for it and then the last book finished and I felt cheated by the romance. I had wanted so much more!
These little things didn't knock down my opinion though, I was able to forgive these things because I feel so highly about this series.
Overall, I didn't love this book as much as the other two but I did still really like it and I think it was a great ending to the series. Ends were tied up, questions were answered and things were revealed. It was exciting and entertaining and I'm sad that this is the real end of The Secret Circle.
As for the series as a whole, I really, really liked it! It was the most enjoyable series I have read in a while, there were no nasty surprises and there was nothing so outrageous that you couldn't believe it. Everything was believable and likeable.
I loved all the characters in this book. There was something about them that just made you like them, even Faye who was pretty mean. I felt like I was able to relate to them in some small way if not any bigger. I really loved that, I think being able to relate to the characters is huge in books. Because if you're unable to relate to them then you feel disconnected and there is no emotional attachment to them.
The plot was interesting and entertaining, the lead up to the reveals were just the right amount of subtle. The readers hadn't guessed the reveal before Cassie and that was refreshing. I've been reading a lot of books lately where I know what the reveal is way before the main character does and that is beyond annoying.
The writing was good, subtle and entertaining. It was really easy to read, everything flowed and made sense and it was exactly what you would expect which I think is really good for this series.
I recommend giving this series a go if you need a light, fun read!
There are more books that are being written under this series but L. J. Smith is not the writer of these books. It is a ghost writer named Aubrey Clark . I've heard they're quite different to the original books in the way that the writers voice is very different (Obviously since it's a different writer), the characters just don't seem like themselves and the whole book doesn't feel like it relates to the original three at all. This is based off of other reviews I have read.
I really don't think I will be reading those books because I loved this series so much I know I will butcher my feelings for it if I read them and find I don't like hem, and I'm sure I will be biased and will hate them purely because it is not the original writer writing them. That is my opinion.
Miss J