Written on Mar 17, 2015
2.5 stars review:
I was expecting to LOVE this book. I haven't read Stupid Girl yet but have heard great things about it. I read a few not-so-good reviews on Goodreads on Stupid Boy but I'm one of those that will still read a book, despite the rating. I was expecting more of this New Adult story but I still liked it—even though it lacked.
In this story, we meet Harper, the good girl with almost no friends, just focused on studying and her sorority but she is seeking revenge for what was done to Olivia in Stupid Girl. Her plan is to get three boys from the Kappas to fall in love with three of her sorority girls and then get the boys' heart broken.
The Characters
Harper starts off seeming like a strong and confident girl even with her dark past. I was expecting to see this Harper throughout the whole story but I didn't. She turned into a whiny girl, always repeating that she wears a mask, that nobody knows/understands her. Once or twice to be mentioned is fine but over and over and over again? Not really. Still, I kept reading because I wanted to see the confident Harper we read about when the book started—I was disappointed.
Kane is the bad boy that doesn't go to Harper's college but is Brax's foster-brother, whom readers met in Stupid Girl. I actually loved Kane. I didn't like the insta-love that appeared here but I still loved Kane, up until the point he kind of became a stalker.
Once these two characters get together, I started liking Kane more than Harper once again. He was understanding and a charmer, for sure. His feelings for Harper were true and anybody could notice it.
While I loved Murphy, Harper's friend, I hated how "British" she was. I love British people and their accent but in this story, the accent and slang words were...too much.
The Story
I loved how this story started off by giving a little bit of a background to Harper and Kane's past. The rest felt rushed and it lacked depth, especially for a New Adult story. It lacked emotions between all of the characters. I couldn't really decipher what the characters were feeling towards one another. I pretty much had to guess the emotions.
A semi-good story that lacked a lot but was at times enjoyable.
I will be giving Stupid Girl a chance because the premise of the story sounds incredible and much more enjoyable. If you have read either/both of the books, leave a comment and tell me what you thought of it.