Originally published on my blog.
Sadly, Smolder was definitely the weakest of the series. Even my infinite love for Russ couldn't make me give the book more than three stars. And you've no idea how sad I am for this.
Unlike the first three books in the series, Smolder doesn't continue the tale of Cami and Dylan, which I consider fortunate because how much crap can you put one couple through, really?! Ahem. Anyways, this one tell's Russ's story - Cami and Dylan's loyal best friend. He's been there since book one. He's moved around with them every time. He was ready to sacrificial his life for theirs. Really, what's not to like?
Surprisingly, a lot. Not with Russ himself. Russ himself is a sweetheart (though a really horny one). The thing is, this book was typical. It was unbelievable. It was rushed. It had too much going around. And those are really just the headers.
Russ deserves some love, and he finds it in the form of beautiful and smart Evelyn. But is their road smooth? Ha. You make me laugh, you optimistic you!
Everything is going good for the first half of the story. Which, naturally, means we're heading into Danger: Lot's of Crap Ahead! zone. First, we have the miraculous return from the dead. Not really surprising, completely unoriginal, and frankly utter bullshit. What are the odds? Right when everything is going great, when they're going to speak the L word, THAT happens. Yeah. No.
Speaking of L words, why did they have to happen so soon? I know Cami and Dylan have the whole love-at-first-sight thing, and I can't recall how long it took them to get together, but I felt like it happened way too quickly here. They know each other maybe a month. Their relationship has been physical at best. They've been irrationally possessive from the get-go, even though they don't know anything about each other. Me no likey.
And then, so much happened! Because of twist number 1, twist number 2 had to be included so we could get rid of the result of twist number 1 on one end. Then we had to get rid of a character, because she was in the way and twist #1 is finally solved! Then, we had to put in a 3rd event to catalyst the solution of twist #2, and if we can also solve some of the original issues the hero has been dealing with, so the better!
I would've liked it more if the story focused on just one thing instead. I would've liked it more if the story really focused on them getting to know each other more, than all this other... crap. I'm being so vocally angry with this because I love this author. I highly enjoy her books and stories. So I know she can do a lot better than this.That's why I'm angry.
I will say this - I read the book in one day. It was fun, and they were cute together when they weren't busy not being together/being physically together. It was great seeing Cami and Dylan truly content for once, without anything to mar their happiness. That's why it's a three stars, and not lower - despite my angry ranting.
Originally published on my blog.