Immersive epic fantasy series like the Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones, Kingkiller Chronicles, Farseer and tie-ins, First Law and others, everyone has a favorite with 700+ page books and 5 or more books in the series. These are the series that many fans revisit every few years over a span of years (or decades).
I am a huge fan of what I think of as BIG fantasy. Doorstop books that you carry around for weeks. Books that drag you in so deeply that you actually miss your train stop or suddenly realize it's 4 am and you only intended to read a few pages before bed. (Been there, done that).
This is a very worthy addition to that list of BIG fantasy. The Fall of Dragons is the 5th book in the Traitor Son Cycle by Miles Cameron, out 19th October, 2017 from Orion Books.
The narrative doesn't drag, despite the book's nearly 700 page content. The entire series, by my rough count, has over 3000 pages of war, grief, betrayal, victory, evil guys, dragons (dragons!), world building, pitched battles, military precision and desperate struggle. It's very well written with incredibly well drawn characters and confidently written, believable dialogue. The editing is perfect also, I found no typos, no formatting errors, and surprisingly, no 'book bloat'.
Exceptionally well crafted BIG epic fantasy.
One caveat however, this book (as most epic multi-book fantasy series) is emphatically NOT a standalone. No spoon feeding or hand holding. This book encompasses a cast of (literally) thousands. If the reader doesn't have the background from the earlier books, they'll likely spend most of their time frustrated or confused.
Five stars for this final book and five for the series. Really top shelf quality epic fantasy.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.