Oh boy, where do I even start with this one?
I know these books are about superheroes so there will be some unrealistic stuff in there. This, however, is pushing the boundaries of what I am inclined to accept.
For example, why on earth would a detective/the court think it's a good idea to have a teenager on duty at the asylum with the most dangerous criminals in all of Gotham and where he is harassed by said inmates? This makes just no sense whatsoever, so a pretty big prerequisite for the story falls through for me.
But that's not the only mishap in the logic department for me. I don't want to add any spoilers here but there was just a lot that didn't come together for me.
Apart from those errors, I was beyond annoyed with the love-story thing. I don't consider this a spoiler because you can predict it from the very first moment on Madeline is mentioned. This part had me rolling my eyes so many times and really was nothing special.
You know how with some books you instantly think "This would make an amazing blockbuster"? Well, with this it's less of a blockbuster you'd think of. It reminded me more of an episode in a Batman series you'd see on TV on a Saturday afternoon. Nothing special, nothing impressive but halfway decent.