Written on Sep 1, 2015
Outback Affair was fun! Jess has just landed in Australia and is hoping to track down the mysterious Alessandro Ricardo for an interview. He runs a cooking school and she hopes to land a job at a cooking magazine, and being the first to get an interview with him would guarantee it. She just has to get there first, which means hitching a ride with local fisherman, Alex, across the Outback. Little does Jess know, but Alex is the man she's looking for and he'll do anything to keep her away from the resort.
Outback Affair has a variation of one of my favorite Romance tropes: stranded! Jess isn't the most organized person, so she really has no clue where she's going, how far it is, or how to get there. She's lucky that her BFF told her where the nearest town is, but it's still way out from where she needs to go. There's no way her rental car will make the drive, and it's too late to turn back and catch a flight. Now it's time for an adventure, complete with killer mosquitoes, emus, and wild boars! It was highly entertaining to see this city girl coming face to face with all kinds of dangerous creatures! It surely gets the adrenaline pumping, leading to some kissing (and more) under the stars!
Of course, Outback Affair does have to have a big fight at the end. Alex has been lying to Jess this entire time, leading her on. She just wants this interview so bad, and he wants her so bad! There was a bit of unnecessary drama involving Jess mistaking someone for someone else, which I didn't like or believe, since he had already told her who was coming to the resort. But it all works out in the end and no one gets eaten by a crocodile!
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