Written on Jan 5, 2014
Because when I thought I was nearing the end and it turned out I was only a little over halfway through there was still time for a happy ending, and a lot of turmoil before getting there. But all of the significant characters are well developed so it wasn't difficult for it to feel like such a long book, like so many things just kept getting drawn out.
In fact, by the end I somehow kind of loved the characters. I liked that they (almost) all grew and changed and that God moved in their lives. I know it's the author writing it all out, but when an author does faith and God well it feels the way it feels when He moves in this world. I liked how [a:Julie Lessman|965709|Julie Lessman|https://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/user/f_50x66-e0ba3b90c110cd67123d6a850d85373e.png] used scripture because it didn't feel superfluous or like she was including it just to make sure if felt like a Christian novel. It was natural and spoke to where the characters were in those moments and believably gave them peace.
Admittedly, sometimes it did feel like struggles were being drawn out too far and too long but then, when I got to the end, I was more than willing to dive back into another story with these characters.