Written on Jul 30, 2017
* The title is a lie. This is no "liar" in this novel, but instead, two people who are very honest with themselves and their feelings and IT'S SO REFRESHING. I'm so here for stories like this.
* I accept the title of "wicked sexy" though *wink wink*
* Luke was the BEST. I mean, he's sweet, he's teasing, he's too sexy for this shirt and he knows it, and when he falls in love--he falls hard and with no reservations. Good for you, my man, good for you!
* Logan--I mean, London--was wonderful as well. I really liked that she was doing what the fuck she wanted to do with her life until she was ready to do otherwise. Mad respect for not caving under pressure! Although I kind of wanted a scene of her slapping her ex. And also, a scene where her mother finds out what a douche he was because for crying out loud I hate mothers choosing the ex's side. It's not right! lol
*The sex is not the main focus of the story, but something that symbolizes and enhances these two's relationship and I LOVED that. It's so often the other way around. Gah.
*Very sexy, but towards the end, I kind of "tuned it out" in the form of skipping ahead. I mean, it's definitely fun, but I've always been more of a plot gal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*It's pretty impressive to see Christina Lauren's improvement in the plot department! Their first book, Beautiful Bastard, was pretty much just a glorified porno. By which I mean, it was skimpier than a bikini. Again, fun, and passed the time, but for me it wasn't really a "romance". This one, though? ALL ROMANCE.
*BANTER! God, how much I love banter.
*#FamilyGoals (that grandma is the best)
I am honestly, no exaggeration, so HAPPY I decided to pick this one. I couldn't have made a better choice!