It took me a while to get into Vortex Visions. The plot was slow as the author spent time developing the characters and the world. While I loved the Air Awakens series, I remember the first book tended to drag too. The author builds interesting worlds and character moments, but she’s not always great at balancing them while moving the plot forward.
Vi is a likable narrator. Her situation is unique as she is heir to the throne and ward to the North. I especially liked her growing connection to Taavin. Definitely a slow burn romance going on between those two. But while I liked Vi, I was pretty ambivalent about all of the secondary characters. All of the other characters (besides the characters from the original series) just didn’t seem all that interesting or integral to the story.
The book may be slow, the characters uninteresting, but the world is engaging. Vi’s visions of the future gave a bit of mystery to the overarching plot. It was like receiving a jigsaw puzzle of the future. I enjoy the direction the story is going even if I do not understand all the pieces yet.
tl;dr A slow start to a new series, but with lots of potential for growth.