Super adorable, funny, a little edgy, and enjoyable. I probably, most definitely liked this better than Replacement Crush. I like that Amy knew she liked Toff and didn’t pretend otherwise. And I liked that he wasn’t dumb and trying to date someone else while they hung out. Even though he was stupid eventually. But for most of the book it was a good blend of friends and attraction with some deeper emotional moments for each character. Also I found Viv and Dallas hilarious in this one. And Brayden, he was pretty funny too.
One thing, though. I get that Amy is a super bookworm, but ALL. the book references in the beginning were a bit too much. Like chill, just a little. Also when she tried to reference the Iron King series without actually saying it because it’s not in the public domain was a tad annoying. I like pulling in lots of YA but that‘s not an imaginary series like all the other non-public domains books mentioned so it stood out and talking around it just felt like Roberts was trying too hard.
That was really the only annoying thing, though. Otherwise I stick to my super fun assessment.