This story has a lot going on in it, intense romance, fighting scenes and dark secrets that will be unraveled as you turn the pages. I was caught up once again in the sad story of the pipers who are forced to steal daughters to have someone to marry and produce more pipers with. The heartache that you feel as you read about all the suffering that is inflicted on the families who lose the daughters and the pipers who are trying to survive. The world is darkly inflicted by the wraiths who are controlled by black druids.
By the end of this second book of a 4 book series you really see Larkin come into her own as Deana wife. She manages to get the pipers’ wives to realize that they are not still enchanted and that they truly love the lives they have with the pipers. To the point where the most intense scenes are when they come up against their families and make a stand to stay and fight for the pipers.
I can’t wait to get book three as we end book two the fate of star crossed lovers is hanging by a thread. Will denan survive or will Larkin have to make the ultimate sacrifice and take his place? Pick p the Wraith King release date to be announced.