Written on Sep 15, 2018
Long Journey Home is Maura O'Connor, Grady O'Connor's widow and her son Aiden's story. Also included is the story of Ryan Callaghan and how his life crashes with Maura's. You may think my word choice is interesting, but once you read the story you'll realize it's applicable. I love Maura and her determination to raise her son as a single mom. Unless you've done it, you'll never realize how truly hard it is to be a single mom. I also think it would have been even harder back in this time period than it is for me now. As always, I love the path that Maura travels in growing and learning and letting other's help her and love her.
Ryan is a great man. He is taking care of so many people while still trying to grab onto his own dreams. I love how he takes care of him mom. He is a much better son than Ryan's brother James. I felt James was very selfish and not being fair to his brother in his actions. I feel like I'm being very cryptic in my review, but I don't want to share any spoilers that would ruin the story for potential readers.
This book generates so many emotions: sadness, worry, excitement, forgiveness, hope, happiness, and of course that feeling called love. You definitely experience it all right along with the characters. It was nice to be back in Hope Springs with so many familiar characters. This book is a must read for fans of Sarah Eden and if you've never read a book by her before, now would be a good time to start. You are always guaranteed a heart warming story full of beloved characters that will make you laugh, cry, and stay with you a long time.