Written on Dec 30, 2011
I liked the characters more, now that they're settled some in this extraordinary life and in their relationships with each other. Everything isn't figuring things out, it's learning to live in this delightful, fun world.
I think I even liked the narrative more. It was more varied and could take the time to explore other aspects of the magic in this world and what it's used for; and the world expanded to encompass more than just what was introduced in [b:Princess for Hire|6506483|Princess for Hire (Princess for Hire, #1)|Lindsey Leavitt|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1308972127s/6506483.jpg|6698078].
But most of all I loved the giddy moments that are so much fun and it ends so well.
I can't believe I have to wait for the next one because I want it now!