Written on Sep 18, 2012
Heather's writing has been upped to a higher level in this second book. The story moves quickly and there was never a dull moment. This is why I chose this series for this giveaway. I WAS stuck in this book and could not put it down. I was almost late for an appointment because I had to finish this book. Then the epilogue shook me up so much, I sat there stunned for about five minutes not moving! It has been a long time that a book's ending has shocked me this much. This is why I am giving this book a 5 star rating!
Enter now to win this action packed series at my blog here at http://whynotbecauseisaidso.blogspot.com/2012/09/stuck-in-good-book-giveaway-and-review.html Also come and read an interview with Author Heather Frost.
This giveaway is from Sept.19-Sept.26 2012.