Written on Dec 29, 2015
How did a country where people were generally satisfied with instant coffee become a nation of people who order things like 185 degree, non-fat, no whip, double caramel venti macchiato with an extra shot of vanilla?
How did a specialty coffee roaster in Seattle transform into one of the most common shops on Earth?
Starbucked is the story of how a few people who really cared about decent coffee started to spread the word, became super successful, and then lost part of what made them successful in the push to be ubiquitous.
One of the things that Starbucks pushed early was the idea of "the third space." It is a place that isn't home or work where you go and spend time. It is encouraging people to go hang out at a coffee shop. I don't understand that. I hate being in a coffee shop. Sometimes my husband wants to go and hang out and read. I don't get it. Why go hang out in uncomfortable chairs around a lot of other people when you can just stay home and read? I won't go to a Starbucks unless there is a drive through (something executives fought hard against - almost as hard as they fought against Frappucinos).
This book was published in 2007 so some of the data may be out of date but it is still interesting to read the story of how Starbucks became successful.
- Why do they put stores close together? Quick answer - marketing, convenience, and shortening lines.
- Does Starbucks coming into a town kill local coffee shops? Quick answer - usually no.
- Is the spread of Starbucks around the world the death of regional differences or just giving consumers what they want?
I also learned a lot about the history of coffee. I know about the difference between arabica and robusta beans now and how that ties in with imperialism. I understand terms like shade grown, free trade, and bird friendly.
If you are a Starbucks fan or if you aren't, there is a lot of great information here about how coffee is grown and harvested, roasted and brewed, consumed and loved by millions.This review was originally posted on Based On A True Story