Written on Jan 28, 2020
Witchborn fae, slimy cockroaches and missing members… eek gads. Things got pretty intense. Hadley called on Linus for answers and while I get it, I’d like to see her gain more confidence. I know it’s because she doesn’t want to repeat past mistakes, but Linus’s faith in her should be a strong indicator that she’s got this.
One of my favorite things about this series the interaction between the characters, from pack to team members to the relationship developing between Midas and Hadley. I laughed, swooned, and became caught up in their world.
While it isn’t necessary to have read the previous series, I recommend that you read this series in the order of its release. I am anxious for the next installment. Fans of urban fantasy, shifters, necromancers and paranormal suspense will find themselves right at home. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer