Written on Feb 27, 2009
Side note: I agree with what has been said about the cover. The original cover for the first two novels was much more mysteries and intriguing to me. This cover presents itself as a romance, and this is so much more than a romance novel.
Easily this novel could stand alone, although you might feel the characters a bit more after having the background of what they have been through. Their stories are introduced well and it does not deter from this story to miss the background, so either way works. The first novel I enjoyed minus one certain part that just bugged me, not the writing, but a plot line. Anyway, the second novel was so much better than the first, so I was excited to read this one. Having already decided that I am a fan of Deanna's writing, I was expecting to enjoy this book. What I was not expecting was to absolutely love it beginning to end.
Of the three Julia Grey novels so far available, this is the best so far. Each book gets better and I cannot wait for more from Deanna Raybourn in the future.
With each twist of the plot and mysterious event to unfold I was shocked and amazed at the pieces that I missed and thrilled with the bits that I figured out myself. Julia Grey brings us through a fabulous journey with not just one big mystery, but bunches of little ones as well that kept the pages turning.
Throughout the novel, I laughed out loud, became infuriatingly angry, teared slightly, and snickered relentlessly. Within the main plot and all the side plots, I definitely feel that the entire story led up to a great overall tale and I was vastly entertained.
It is another one of those books, where I ask, why did it have to end and when can I get more?