In this enthralling final installment of the BISECTER series, Hemera and her friends must learn to survive in a world that has only ever existed in prayers and nightmares: a world of darkness. Surviving each day when the all-powerful Duskers are hunting them is a miracle in itself. But Hemera has other problems to worry about.
Hemera must confront the abominations she helped to create before they kill everyone she cares about. But how does one destroy a part of oneself?
Desperate to save her friends, her family, and her world from the spreading darkness, Hemera must lay waste to the only things that make her whole.
Lies and betrayal. Love won and lost. As the final battle is waged, Hemera must decide how much she can stand to sacrifice for the future of their world in this deeply satisfying final chapter of the BISECTER series.
- ISBN10 1733592970
- ISBN13 9781733592970
- Publish Date 7 January 2020
- Publish Status Active
- Imprint Stephanie Fazio
- Format Paperback (US Trade)
- Pages 268
- Language English