Written on Oct 7, 2017
WOW! I enjoyed this so much more the second time around. I think for two major reasons:
1) The first time I read this, there was like a year between reading Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire. The second time I read this, I read Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, and Heir of Fire all back to back. I think not having a year long gap between CoM and HoF allowed me to enjoy HoF so much more. I was firmly in the zone of this series, if that makes sense. I wonder if I didn't enjoy it as much the first time because I'd forgotten details and just wasn't totally in the right frame of mind.
2) I think knowing what to expect helped me enjoy certain parts of the book. The first time I read it, I hated Manon's chapters. I just had zero interest in them. But the second time I knew they were there and tried to be more open minded about them. I gave them more of a chance and read them more carefully. I think I ended up really loving them as a result of that.
First read: May 2014 / 2.5 stars
This completely BREAKS MY HEART!!
Above all, I thought Heir of Fire was boring. :( The book was 569 pages long and for AT LEAST 400 of those pages I was bored out of my mind. Nothing was happening, just a lot of training, waiting, plotting, waiting, more training, etc.
Then, to make it worse (for me—maybe not you) there was ZERO romance. The romance was one of the things I loved most about Crown of Midnight.
Those first 400-450 pages were like a 2 star read for me. I started out kind of liking it, but I think that's mostly because I was waiting for it to get good and I so desperately wanted and EXPECTED to like it, so that made me kind of like it. But then that "pretending" fell apart and I realized just how bored I was.
Then, towards the end, things finally did pick up a bit and it was more like a 3.5 star read (maybe with glimpses of 4 stars here and there).
I'm so disappointed! :( I feel like I read this book wrong because WHY DIDN'T I LOVE IT?!?!