Baroness Book Trove
Hi my loyal people. Here is a new book review brought to you by me! I finished another book but I am proud to say to all of you that the reason it took so long was for a good reason. As you can see I have changed my blog site from Blogger to WordPress which I am great to say is finally up and working. I hope that you all like it better now. Anyways back to the reason for this blog post!
Nick Fox and Kate O’Hare are back with an awesome book. This on, in my opinion, is one of the best books with Nick and Kate in them. These two are like the most dynamic duo that I love to read and watch on the television in shows or in the movies. We have an FBI Agent who has to be teamed up with Nick Fox while letting everyone think that she is out looking for him, because she is the only one that can catch him, but in reality is working with him for the FBI. I mean it’s pretty awesome and something that you don’t get to see every day.
Plus the two of them are hilarious together. I mean we have the humor of the two of them together plus the sexual frustration that they both give each other and it just makes it into an awesome book.
So in this one Kate and Nick catch at least two baddies, well unintentionally, as the first one was trying to get Nick’s attention and not the FBI’s. I also love the fact that no matter what we always, mostly, see the same team members they hire to help with the cons along with having Kate’s dad. Though I am starting to think that maybe Kate’s dad and Nick have been talking to each other secretly since they almost always agree on everything.
I am giving this book five butterflies rating since it’s soo funny and kept me guessing and the whole time I was working on my new blog site with my mom I couldn’t help but think “What is going on with Nick and Kate in this book?” Or my favorite “What type of con is Nick going to pull for this one”. I always end up thinking of these things whenever I read a Fox and O’Hare novel because of the fact that these two are so funny and so good at keeping me on my toes. And sometimes making me wonder if the con will actually work and that they will get the bad guy that they are after.
Anyways until next time enjoy this book review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
To read my other blog posts/reviews please go to my site: baronessbooktrove.com