Kim Deister
Written on Jul 5, 2011
The two girls were more sisters than friends, having known each other literally since birth. Through loss and tragedy, Loie has become as much a part of the Winterborne family as Mia herself. While both of the girls' characters were likeable, it was Loie I most loved and related to. Forever cast as Mia's faithful and supportive sidekick, she always felt second best to Mia. Mia's character, while likeable, came off as a little arrogant sometimes, a little self-centered and insensitive to Loie. They had spent their entire lives preparing for their shared 17th birthday and the moment that Mia's long awaited powers would finally manifest themselves. Loie's entire world revolved around Mia and helping her and Mia had grown too used to be the center of it all. When Andreas entered the picture, that dynamic only magnified. I truly loved how real the characters felt, even in the midst of a fantasy story. Whether you liked them or were annoyed by them, the characters felt as if they were flesh and blood people, instead of fictional characters on paper.
While most of the real action happened in the second half of the story, the first half set the story and built the mystery and suspense. At first, I thought that it was going to have a bit of the typical YA teen drama of two best friends falling for the same hot guy, and it did, but it certainly didn't end the way I thought it would and THAT was refreshing! But the book is so much more than that. The suspense was built beautifully, with hints dropped throughout the story that led you in all different directions. There was a little bit of everything in this book: suspense, intrigue, love, loss, fantasy, friendship, struggle. There were lots of twists and turns as the story unfolded and secrets were revealed. When it was all brought together in the end, I was not expecting it to turn out the way it did. I love being surprised and I most definately was! I highly recommend picking this book up, and I can't wait for the next book!