Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
Written on Jun 16, 2018
Alex face new challenges in this installment. First forced relocation to an FBI safe house after someone firebombed her home and now she finds herself in the middle of another puzzling case. Someone is hacking ATMs and if that is not enough dead bodies are turning up and witnesses are being silenced. Who is responsible? Are both cases connected? Better yet, do the case have any connection to reason Ozzie was in protective custody?
While Alex and Ozzie work together to uncover the truth, they find themselves surrounded by danger at every turn. Once again, Alex is fighting for her life. She sure knows how to attract danger. These are not the only issues she is facing. Little does she know that someone she trusts would betray her. Wow! Talk about surprises. This was one the reasons for my eagerness regarding this installment. The reason for the betrayal is understandable but the actions are not justifiable. Alex is not the only victim of and it proves how far-reaching the actions of an insecure and petty person can have on a team.
At Any Cost is a suspenseful, page turning and entertaining read. However, it is not without its issues. It ended on a disappointing note. It was rather anti-climactic. Based on how the events unfolded, and my expectations of the author, the ending did not deliver as expected. Instead of the explosive, hanging from a ledge ending the author is known for, readers get an end that is not only predictable but also abrupt and boring. I was also disappointed with how the events surrounding the betrayal unfolded and how the author wrapped the matter up. This too ended abruptly and I thought it could have better handled. It felt rushed and could have done with some meat.
Overall, this was an exciting read, but it not one of my favourites. However, despite the disappointing ending I would recommend it to fans of thrillers and mysteries as it does have intense and exciting scenes. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.