Written on Apr 20, 2019
In Her Sights is the first of a new series which features five sisters who, despite their criminal (and criminally negligent) mother are in the bounty hunter business. Molly Pax is the oldest and the one who actually takes down the criminals. Her sisters support her with research and stake outs but most of the fence jumping and criminal tackling comes down to Molly herself.
Molly’s mother goes from one husband to the next until they get tired of her lies and manipulation. If she is between husbands, she manages to get caught for petty crimes so much so that she has gone through most of the lawyers and public defenders in town. Regardless, the girls have managed to pay off the mortgage themselves to keep a roof over their heads.
John Carmondy is the bane of Molly’s existence. He’s a hot, sexy competitor of Molly’s and she likes nothing more than to grab John’s skips out from under him. She is especially annoyed to find John always hanging around trying to grab her skips. No matter how much teasing she gets from her sisters, Molly doesn’t seem to get that John’s interest has less to do with grabbing skips than protecting Molly from getting hurt.
One of the local bail bondman is trying to get Molly to pick up a rather dangerous felon, a guy with a love of explosives. Molly and her sisters keep hanging up on him because they know better than to tangle with the likes of Sonny Zarver.
Things are going well for the sisters and their growing business until once again, Jane, gets arrested but this time for trying to steal a multi-million dollar necklace. Jane is going to face some real jail time over this offense and Molly can’t imagine how her mother could have gotten herself bailed out of jail. Until she gets an offer she can’t refuse, chase down Sonny Zarver and bring him in or the sleazy bail bondsman is going to have Jane’s trial date moved up and it looks like Jane is already in the wind. Molly wouldn’t care except that Jane put up the house they worked so hard to payoff as collateral and if Jane doesn’t show for her next court appearance, they lose everything they have been working so hard for.
While Molly has not idea why John is insisting on helping her track down Sonny, she won’t argue since her chance of surviving to bring Sonny in on her own is not very good. She needs all the help she can get, since her sisters are slip between helping her and finding their mom.
It also appears that John isn’t such a jerk after all and the longer they work together, the more interested Molly is in getting to know John and his perfect physique better.
It took me awhile to get over my anger of why anyone would payoff a mortgage for a house they didn’t own. In fact, I was almost surprised that the mother didn’t sell the house out from under them when she had the chance. The property abuts a national park and she would probably net more money selling the house than her cut from the heist.
I was entertained by how dense Molly was to John’s very clear interest in her and even her sister’s constant comments didn’t get through.
This was a fun group of characters. We were mostly focused on catching Sonny and finding Jane will be part of the remainder of the series I am certain. It was nice to get out of the snow trapped mountains of her previous stories. I was starting to get frostbite from the constant snowfall. It is not surprising that the characters in her other books had a touch of snow madness from being quite literally trapped in those small towns when the roads out became impassible.
This is the first Katie Ruggle series that I listened to rather than read, and the narrator did a nice job keep the characters exciting.
Received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.