Written on Jul 20, 2020
Anna and Kiran are in their late forties, they knew each other in high school but went their separate ways, but meet up again in Vegas many years later and are about to get married and the ups and downs of their lives while getting to that point and boy don’t they seem to have everything thrown towards them at the same time. Insecurities, ill health and menopause all while arranging a wedding.
I felt that I could relate to Anna a lot being in my forties myself, although not having gone through menopause quite yet. I get the insecurities that she was facing. Once things start heading south and wrinkles start setting in, it’s an uphill battle.
I think this is very real to life of some people in their forties and fifties even and although I felt the struggles they were both facing, I did laugh a lot while listening to the book too.
The narrator Jazmine Ramay performed this brilliantly, it is like she was Anna and she was faultless.
I may grab the first book in the series so I can get to know more about Anna and Kiran and I will definitely be looking out for the third in the series!