Written on Oct 3, 2019
Wow, where to start. Bland white nonsense. This is what the status quo adults think teens want to read. Dumbed down, seemingly inoffensive suburban tales of mediocrity in shades of beige.
>Lost 20lbs and no longer plus size? Right. And why is this being celebrated? Anyways, she doesn't have any fat girl traits that I've seen, so this is just a fatphobic excuse for her sudden popularity. Couldn't it just be she hit puberty or blossomed or whatever typical nonsense instead? Ugh. Really annoying to keep hearing about it. And I only read 75 pgs.
>Way to abandon your best friend, jerkwad. I don't like this MC, she's a bland wanna be mean girl. The only thing worse than a mean girl, is one who SUCKS as it. Can't even be interesting enough to hate.
>So very dull. "I'm kinda suspicious but not really. Oh, cute boy noticing me after I lost those evil 20 pounds." And repeat. That's it. 75 pages of THAT. The only reason I made it that far, was hey, it's free give it a proper shot and down time at work.
>Wait, this is JUNIOR YEAR? I totally thought it was freshman given the maturity of the characters and the painfully dumbed down writing/narrative.
I gave way more time than this was due as did the publisher.