Written on Oct 2, 2019
This was an excellent set of essays with just one complaint: the essay about children's and YA literature didn't mention any books written more recently than 2011/2012ish. This felt very strange given the large number of 2019 events the author writes about (Operation Varsity Blues, for example - wasn't that just a few months ago?), as well as the fact that children's/YA lit has exploded over the last decade and contains a universe of examples that aren't Little House On the Prarie and Twilight. I'm not sure if the author stopped reading around that time, or if the newer and more diverse offerings didn't fit within the argument she was making, or if she didn't specify that she was only discussing what she read as a child and young adult. In any case, it stood out as a tired and unnecessary essay stuck in the middle of others that were fresh and vital.