With this appreciation of three very different black writers, novelist Darryl Pinckney reminds us that marginal or neglected literary figures have a lot to tell us about the history of a people who are always "outsiders." Born in Jamaica in 1883, J. A. Rogers was an early member of the Harlem Renaissance- a newspaper columnist, historian of Negro achievement, polemicist against white supremacy, and amateur sociologist of interracial sex as evidenced in his massive three-volume work Sex and Race....
English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century (Reader's Library)
by Sir Leslie Stephen
With its focus on issues of personal and social identity, this new thematic reader contains eight essays by writers across gender, race and class lines to ensure student's understanding of how powerful social factors affect everyone's life. It covers all aspects of the reading process from speed of word recognition to sophisticated thinking/comprehension skills.
The Letters of Horace Walpole (Volume 13); Fourth Earl of Orford
by Horace Walpole
El discurso femenino (Ensayos Literarios, #1)
by Matias Montes Huidobro
The Life and Death of the Valiant and Renowned Sir Francis Drake (1671)
by Samuel Clarke