Cocktails and Books
Written on Aug 16, 2015
The latest Washington scandal has nothing to do with what a senator is doing or rather who they're doing. No, the latest scandal out of Washington has to do with our everyday heroes, the local firefighters.
PR wiz, Valerie Wainwright has been working towards one goal, making full partner in her company. She's almost there. Only one thing stands in her way now, her own fear. Her newest client, the city of Washington, wants her to revamp the newly tarnished image of the firefighters. Make them less the scandalous party animals caught partying half naked with sorority girls on social media and more the wholesome, everyday heroes. She's got her reasons for not getting involved with a firefighter. Too bad all reason flies out the window every time firefighter Jason Moore smiles at her.
Jason is paying the price for something he didn't do. A classic case of wrong time, wrong place. With his half naked body plastered all over social media, compliments of a local sorority, he now has to deal with being in the spotlight in an altogether different reason than usual. Although not at fault for the incident, Jason's character and dedication to his job are now continuously in question. Not fair, but from an outsider's point of view, it's completely understandable. This is how scandals work. What I didn't get was why, even after his innocence is established, Valerie continued to hold the incident against him. She knew he was innocent and still threw it back in his face at every chance she got. This made her barely likable on my book.
Jason was never the ladies man we were supposed to believe him to be. He was actually quite sweet. When she is not on her moral high horse, Valerie was actually likable. Unfortunately those times were so infrequent that I found myself taking deep breaths so as not to scream at my ereader and look like a total nutcase to everyone around me. I did enjoy the romance between the characters even though I felt more often than not that Valerie did not deserve Jason. The story flow was great and smooth. I found Hot Nights With a Fireman to be a great summer read that I would definitely recommend.
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