Written on Jun 12, 2019
I am blown away! I absolutely LOVE the world J.R. Ward has made here.
The vampires are fantastic, the 'lessers' are a great enemy!
The language is fantastic, and you end up falling in love with these men (and women) very quickly!
The glossier at the beginning of the book is very handy, so you don't end up not knowing what on earth is going on.
I could not put this book down, and I've already started on the next one.
Wrath's story is... I wanted to cry more than once. The love scenes are just yum yum!
It's an all-around fantastic start to this very very long series of books - I am completely hooked!
It's been a long long time since I read a book where I was crying, smiling, laughing and also at the edge of my seat.
Well done to the Author!!