Written on Feb 25, 2018
When I received my copy of Elemental Claim I was excited. I read the blurb and the first thing my husband said to me was that this book was right up my street and boy he was right. I do love paranormal romances and this book had a feeling of J.R Ward and Laurell Hamilton for me but with lots of twists turning everything upside down. There is something for everyone in this book who loves the supernatural world. You have the Gods of Greek mythology, you have werewolves, you have vampires, angels, tricksters and humans!
From the start the adventure begins, there is no build up where we spend ages learning the back story of a character, from the first couple of pages there is an attempted abduction, a near death and the initial threads of a romance.
his olive skin beaconed to a part of her she never even knew existed
The main story is about Emma and Rogan, one is a dangerous descendant and another an Elementalist sworn to protect the Seven planes...from Descendants! The only thing is Emma think she is human, until she realises she is not human nor is her missing twin sister. What I did love about this book was the fact we did not spend the whole time dwelling on just these two, we were teased with a small back story of Rogan and his past. Teased a bit to Xeno and becoming a fallen angel, Jack being a trickster and Hunter being human, none of which took away from the story and I felt that each change of point of view helped progress the story.
The fact that Emma is not your typical damsel in distress made me warm to her quickly, her reactions were real and her resolution to become strong and take control of her own destiny was a great change to the norm. Going from a "bookworm that occasionally fought monsters through a console" to embracing her new path was refreshing.
One of my favourite passages in the book is when you meet Hades and Zeus (I am a sucker for Greek mythology), the description by the author of them in present day was spot on! The switch between the perceived knowledge and the author new view of these two historical figures was great, Hades having emotions and Zeus a show off and how they do like to gossip. The author has taken everything you know and turned it on its head and when you find out who one of the villains is, well you are in for a shock and it is a fantastic change! And Snuffles! That was great fun!
I picked up on a sentence in the book from Emma's POV
Ever since she had caught his gaze staring at her from the depths of the river, she had felt a jolt of primal recognition
I am not sure if this a throwaway comment or not but I really hope that there is something here to be developed on. Does something in Emma's subconscious recognises Rogan? Or are they just true lifemates? It did made me question, was she always in human form? Or was she someone else before?
He had not failed for the last twenty-nine operations and he was determined to make it a solid thirty
This sentence in the book resonated throughout when reading because you just have a sense of foreboding, will they be successful in the mission? Will Liz make it out ok? Will Emma survive this? What deal with Gabriel did Xeno make? Please god I hope she makes it ok!
Now I have finished the book the title makes perfect sense to me, I feel like I should have picked up on this sooner!
I have so many unanswered questions I can not wait for the next book in the series!
Coming soon is a Q&A with the author, stay tuned
Taken from my blog www.zooloobookblog.co.uk