Written on Aug 29, 2017
- This book is pretty much everything I like in my paranormals. Romance, vampires, creepy zombie-like things, cool world building, etc.
- We're set in London where all of sudden these zombie creatures (though they're call Weepers here because of their bloodshot eyes) come out of hiding and start attacking people. Naturally I'm so here for this apocalypse because this is exactly what I love reading. What throws me off is that the vampires actually want to help! They're still kind of the villains here but I was surprised they were actually taking over to prevent all the humans to be killed.
- I loved Emmy as a main character. She was sassy but not so sassy that she'd get herself killed like in so many books we see lately. She was a good point between not enough and too much and I liked that even as everyone tells her vampires as bad, she still wants to determine that for herself.
- There were a few of the typical tropes (mainly a love triangle) but I actually really loved it and was really rooting for one of the guys! Sadly, I don't think he's going to be the one picked but I'll keep dreaming. To be fair, both potential love interests (good news, there's no actual declarations of love in this book. It was actually realistic!) were really great and I love them both. I was just slightly rooting for one over the other.
- I also liked how there was no insta-love in this story. Insta-lust there was a lot of but I'm here for that and didn't mind a bit.
- I liked how this world was different but not complicated enough so that I got lost. It was easy to follow and I'm looking forward to where the next books will take us.
- The beginning of the book was a little rushed but once I got everything in this world figured out I quickly forgot about it.
- Beside the beginning it was a little predictable at points but I just really enjoyed reading it all so it didn't bother me much like it normally does.
**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review **