Baroness Book Trove
Written on May 24, 2021
Will Mia be able to figure out who killed Adele?
Mia Malone
Mia Malone is the main character, and she is a witch. Well, a Kitchen Witch who practices hearth magic. That means she can only do spells that work with the kitchen and healing magic. I think this is a neat way to do the magical aspect, and it's definitely different. I've heard of kitchen witches before but not with what they could do. Mia is a lover of lists, being organized, cooking, and trying to be somewhat human even though she isn't. She doesn't trust herself to fall in love since Issac used her as a business partner instead of the partners that she thought they were. I like Mia a lot as a character as she's wonderfully sweet and one that I can't wait to see more of. Ms. Cahoon has done a fantastic job of creating this little world, and I hope that Mia has a lot of success with her business venture called Mia's Morsels.
The Mystery
The mystery in this story is who killed Adele and why they would kill her. There are also two others, but they get solved pretty fast. Mia is trying to solve that while also not having the police officer think that she or Christina murdered Adele. It's a tough time for Mia as she feels like she's an outsider despite being a summer resident. There is a lot of things to remember while reading this book about the mysteries. Mia is a good sleuth as she could figure out some of the other mysteries but not the one about who killed Adele. I didn't figure it out until the killer was telling her why the killer did it.
Five Stars
One Poison Pie by Lynn Cahoon is worthy of five stars, and I'm recommending it to everyone that loves to read paranormal cozy mysteries. Ms. Cahoon has done a great job of creating this new universe and how she's doing the magic is perfect for this world. I can't wait to see what Ms. Cahoon does for this series in the other books.
Second Book in the Series coming in July of 2021
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of One Poison Pie by Lynn Cahoon.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
Victim/Toe Tag: Adele Simpson (A)
Beachcomber Weapons: knife
Beachcomber Crime Scene: hotel (ballroom)
Detectives: Mia Malone (M)
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove