Written on Sep 8, 2016
Eden’s Wish deals with a genie who knows there is so much more to life then spending endless years trapped in a lamp with only the briefest of glimpses of life outside. The adventure we accompany Eden on is heartfelt, exciting, and more than a little cute.
Eden’s Wish reminds me of why I love Middle Grade novels so much. We are really treated to an adventure where friendships are made, feelings are truly explored, and hope is prevalent even in the darkest moments. A good Middle Grade novel is one you can relate to even at 26 years old, and Eden’s Wish falls into that category. Eden’s feelings of being stifled and trapped by her responsibilities and her family, her bone-deep need to explore and experience…it really hits home. Now I don’t want to make it seem like EW is loaded down with so much sheer emotion that it loses it’s charm, because it doesn’t. The story is incredibly fun and very cute. It’s fairly quick paced and full of little laugh out-loud moments.
Eden is a fantastic main character. She has a love for life that is sure to make anyone smile, not to mention how brave she is. Eden makes the story truly vibrant with her sense of humor and curiosity. The host of side characters were equally enjoyable. I really loved getting see more about the previous genies, especially Sylvana, and I really hope we get to see even more of them in the next book. The history of the lamp and it’s masters (Goldie and Xaiver) was pretty awesome as well and I really liked getting a little peek into how the lamp works and where it came from.
Eden's Wish Quote
I can’t wait to dig into Eden’s Escape! If you enjoy MG reads with a lot of spunk and personality then definitely check out Eden’s Wish! I can really see kids enjoying the fast paced story, and it would be a great book for some further discussion as well (who doesn’t like talking about what they’d wish for).
Eden’s Wish reminds me of why I love Middle Grade novels so much. We are really treated to an adventure where friendships are made, feelings are truly explored, and hope is prevalent even in the darkest moments. A good Middle Grade novel is one you can relate to even at 26 years old, and Eden’s Wish falls into that category. Eden’s feelings of being stifled and trapped by her responsibilities and her family, her bone-deep need to explore and experience…it really hits home. Now I don’t want to make it seem like EW is loaded down with so much sheer emotion that it loses it’s charm, because it doesn’t. The story is incredibly fun and very cute. It’s fairly quick paced and full of little laugh out-loud moments.
Eden is a fantastic main character. She has a love for life that is sure to make anyone smile, not to mention how brave she is. Eden makes the story truly vibrant with her sense of humor and curiosity. The host of side characters were equally enjoyable. I really loved getting see more about the previous genies, especially Sylvana, and I really hope we get to see even more of them in the next book. The history of the lamp and it’s masters (Goldie and Xaiver) was pretty awesome as well and I really liked getting a little peek into how the lamp works and where it came from.
Eden's Wish Quote
I can’t wait to dig into Eden’s Escape! If you enjoy MG reads with a lot of spunk and personality then definitely check out Eden’s Wish! I can really see kids enjoying the fast paced story, and it would be a great book for some further discussion as well (who doesn’t like talking about what they’d wish for).