Liz (Bent Bookworm)
Written on Apr 27, 2019
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The story continues in this sixth book in the Spirit
Animals series - an epic collection of stories that leap from the
page into a riveting online game.
Your book is the key to claim your spirit animal!
Deep in the desert there sits a beautiful oasis, ruled by a monarch
unlike any other in Erdas. His name is Cabaro, the Great Lion,
and he reigns over a kingdom of animals, jealously guarding his
golden talisman. No human has ever set foot in the Great Beast's
The journey to his oasis is impossible.As a team, Conor, Abeke,
Meilin, and Rollan have achieved the impossible before.
But now that team is broken -- the friends scattered by a devastating
betrayal. The young heroes and their spirit animals have
already sacrificed much in their quest for the talismans.
But with the world crumbling all around them-and a ruthless enemy
opposing their every move-their greatest sacrifices are yet to
The fate of Erdas has fallen on the shoulders of these brave strangers
. . . and on you..
Part engrossing book series, part action role-playing
game - discover your spirit animal and join the adventure.
Six immersive novels and a breathtaking game make this a world
children will want to live in for ever
Hardback format makes this a lovely gift
Each book in the series will unlock expanded gameplay on the
Spirit Animals online game site www.spiritanimals.com
The stunning game puts players in the world of the books, drawing
reluctant readers into the story