Written on Dec 12, 2019
This Book Will Make You Fall Asleep is a cute gift book full of short puzzles, quotes, and pages full of little sheep in nightcaps to count. Due out 7th Jan 2020 from Andrews McMeel, it's 160 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.
This book is, quite simply, pages and pages of cute sheep (see cover), interspersed with about 30% of the content given over to puzzles (guide Kip the sheep through the maze to his pillow) or 1 page quotes pertaining to sleep. There are a few simple tips for getting to sleep which won't be a surprise for anyone who has ever Googled 'insomnia'.
This might make a cute gift for a coworker or friend. Two and a half stars. I rounded up because Kip was a very cute name choice in this context.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.