Written on Feb 3, 2020
This was my first story by Mindy Obenhaus. Intrigued by the synopsis, I was glad for the opportunity to read it.
Dealing with cancer is a theme of many of the stories I've read in the past year, especially. While cancer is a huge part of this story, it is more related to the camp for kids with cancer Daniel runs and the impact it had on both Daniel and Blythe's lives.
I loved the idea of the camp - allowing the kids an opportunity to be "normal". To not be the only one dealing with cancer, to ride horses, go canoeing, to ride a zip line. . . Daniel's vision and heart for these kids were very admirable. He truly was a hero.
Blythe struggled with a need to be in control that showed itself in so many ways, even to the tight, neat bun she wore. Every single day. She had to learn to trust God and to allow Him to work - even when it wasn't clear what was going to happen. I don't know about you, but that sounds at least a little like me.
If you enjoy Christian romance, I recommend this lovely story.
Read my full review at Among the Reads
I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.