Written on Oct 22, 2015
Heidi DuCane is tough. She's a publicist and not afraid to go after what she wants. She's passionate for her work and equally for her husband, who is supportive. Tucker DuCane appears to be chalk to Heidi's cheese, happy to give consent to his wife's fantasy. "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is."
Ransom Reed is a stereotypical bad boy rocker who's life is spiralling out of control. He needs someone to rein him in and spin some positive publicity for him. Heidi is recommended for the job, but first she has to prove to Ransom that she can be trusted…!
When I began reading, I had no idea this was a sequel to Taint. Reading as a standalone I felt I needed to know who Justice Drake was before the full extent of Heidi, Tucker and Ransom's lives began to unfurl. All is eventually revealed in the end, so the confusion about him disappeared.
I expected Tryst to be scorching hot sexy...which it is. However it is something more deeper and far reaching than I anticipated. Much time is spent trying to decide what motivates Tucker. Why is he happy to be the cockold husband? Is he attracted to Ransom too?
Heidi may come across as hard as nails but when she's with Ransom it's like she's had her feisty personality sucked from her. She mirrors Ransom in his neediness...Heidi is weak willed whereas Ransom is on the slippery road to drug addiction. What started out as a lust filled fantasy turns into something completely ugly, ending in an unsurprisingly dramatic way.
My first impression of Tucker at the beginning of this book – intense, analysing, hovers like a helicopter over Heidi! I guess I wasn't wrong.
4 stars
***arc generously received courtesy of publisher William Morrow via Edelweiss***