Written on Nov 29, 2014
My first thought was yay more Emma and Galen to be honest. I’m so addicted to them! Also I was a little confused because the second book ended so nicely. Shouldn’t the series have ended there?
My New BFF
I’m still loving Emma. Doesn’t matter what she does she’ll always be awesome. She’s brave and clever, both things I love seeing in my heroines.
My Crush
I love Galen but man he was annoying in this one. He was still perfectly beautiful and amazing but I didn’t like the whole jealousy thing he had going on. I feel like he’s a better person than that. He was really hesitant the whole book too. I was disappointed in him. I felt like the romance that was usually between Galen and Emma just wasn’t there. It’s something I was really looking forward to.
Writing Style
The one reason why I didn’t give this book 5 stars was because it felt out of place. Book two followed directly after book one and then this book is kind of just thrown at the end. It feels like the series should have ended after book two but the author wanted to cram a little more in. Kind of like the Mortal Instruments series. The writing was still good and the characters still amazing but the plot felt a little forced.
Closing Thoughts
A part of my wishes the series had ended after book two. I wasn’t crazy about the plot in this one. It was a little strange. It was still good and I enjoyed reading it but it wasn’t amazing like the first two. That made me feel a little disappointed with the author. Most of the new characters were good and there was still parts with the old ones which made me feel a little better. While I wished this book didn’t exist, that’s still no excuse for not reading it. Get to it!
Bonus: The ending was cute and fun!