Written on Jun 24, 2017
Gavin Donnigan has returned from the war with more scars on the inside. He was wounded and being treated at the hospital when his buddies were killed by a road bomb. They were more than just army buddies, these were his friends growing up. Once home, he was sinking into booze and women to forget his pain, but his future sister-in-law convinced him to get counseling. Working at the gym helps as well, except now he is surrounded by some of those mistakes he was making.
He wants to get to know Zoe a little better, but after one too many brush offs, he realizes he might have pushed over the line from flirty to stalker and he backs off.
Zoe is also working through her own grief at the loss of her twin sister. And just when she decides to be more adventurous, like her sister would, and take a chance on the hot, funny instructor, he backs off. But Zoe is now determined to take that chance and she goes after Gavin and hopes that doesn’t put her into the category of all the other notches on his weight bench.
Zoe has nothing to worry about because Gavin wants her to know that he wants more from her than just one night and goes above and beyond to make a first date she will remember.
Zoe and Gavin work hard to try and build something between them, and while Zoe is mastering her grief, Gavin tries to tackle his past to quickly and starts to slide back into the depression. He can only hope to recover himself before he looses something special with Zoe.
The best part of this story was the continuing prank wars between the Donnigan siblings which starts to spread out to include the parents. They all get pretty creative.
After a slow start, Zoe and Gavin are sweet together but they don’t have an exciting buzz. Gavin’s issues make him pull away for days at a time leaving Zoe feeling a bit stressed, not knowing his feelings or where they stand long-term.
If you are a fan of Marie Harte’s other series, the McCauley Brothers and Body Shop Bad Boys, we have a crossover of all three series at the wedding of Del and Mike. All of the McCauley’s are there and the boy from Del’s shop are there to celebrate.