In this adventure-filled narrative, science writer Richard Stone follows two groups of explorers- one a Russian-Japanese team, the other a French-led consortium- as they battle bitter cold, high winds, and supply shortages to carry out their quest. Armed with GPS, ground-penetrating radar, and Soviet-era military helicopters, they seek an elusive prize: a mammoth carcass that will help determine how the creature lived, how it died- and how it might be brought back to life.A riveting tale of high-stakes adventure and scientific hubris, Mammoth is also an intellectual voyage through uncharted moral terrain, as we confront the promise and peril of resurrecting creatures from the deep past.
- ISBN10 0738207756
- ISBN13 9780738207759
- Publish Date 19 September 2002 (first published 13 September 2001)
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Perseus Books
- Format Paperback (UK Trade)
- Pages 264
- Language English