Jacob's Legacy: A Genetic View of Jewish History
by Department of Zoology David B Goldstein
Facteurs de Transcription Nucl aires Et Membranes Amniotiques (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Marceau-G
Amyloid, Prions, and Other Protein Aggregates, Part B (Methods in Enzymology)
by Indu Kheterpal
Gene Expression Systems: Using Nature for the Art of Expression offers detailed information on a wide variety of gene expression systems from an array of organisms. It describes several different types of expression systems including transient, stable, viral, and transgenic systems. Each chapter is written by a leader in the field. The book includes timelines and examples for each expression system, and provides an overview of the future of recombinant protein expression.
Caract risation de la Poule Locale Domestique (Gallus Domesticus) (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Collectif
Remaniements Des Chromosomes 1 Et 12 Dans Les H mopathies Malignes (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Khac-F
Valuepack:Concepts of Genetics and Student Companion Website Access Card Package:International Edition/Brock Biology of Microorganisms and Student Companion Website Plus Grade Tracker Access Card:International Edition/Practical Skills in Biology
by Allan Jones, Rob Reed, Jonathan Weyers, William S Klug, Michael Cummings, Charlotte Spencer, Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, Paul V Dunlap, and David P. Clark
Concepts of Genetics and Student Companion Website Access Card Package: International Edition 8/E For one or two term courses in genetics in the departments of Biology, Zoology, Agriculture or Health Science. Brock Biology of Microorganisms and Student Companion Website Plus Grade Trakcer Access Card: International Edition 11/E The authoritative text for introductory microbiology, Brock Biology of Microorganisms continues its long tradition of impeccable scholarship, outstanding art and photos,...
Acacia Raddiana Du Maroc, tude Morphom trique Et Mol culaire (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by El Ayadi-F
Valuepack:iGenetics:A Molecular Approach (PIE) and Biology:(PIE) with Principles of Biochemistry with OneKey WebCT, Student Access Kit Package:(PIE) and Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology
by Roland Ennos, Peter J Russell, Neil A Campbell, Jane B Reece, Campbell, Robert A Horton, Laurence A. Moran, Gray Scrimgeour, and Marc Perry
Advances in Hybridization Techniques for Gene and Genome Mapping and Sequencing (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
by Jorg Hoheisel
Whole genome amplification generates microgram quantities of genomic DNA starting from a sample of as little as a few femtograms and so is a vital technique when sample material is limited, as well as for high-throughput assays. Whole Genome Amplification: Methods Express is a comprehensive up-to-date laboratory manual for this key technique. It provides detailed step-by-step protocols as well as hints and tips for success and troubleshooting, taking readers through all aspects of whole genome a...
In quest'opera sono riportate le conoscenze piu aggiornate sulle indagini del DNA che sono comunemente utilizzate per l'identificazione di autori di reati violenti nelle indagini criminali, per l'attribuzione dell'identita a resti umani ed a vittime di disastri di massa, per la ricostruzione di rapporti parentali nelle indagini di paternita. La monografia descrive la biologia dei diversi tipi di DNA che sono utilizzati a questo scopo - i microsatelliti del DNA autosomico, il DNA mitocondriale, i...
Genes and Genius: The Quest for the Intelligence Gene
by Rosalind Arden and Robert Plomin
GENES AND GENIUS will reveal for the first time to a general readership the existence of gene IGF2R, the gene for intelligence. Robert Plomin's credentials to tell the story and implications of its discovery are impeccable: he leads the world's only research team hunting for intelligence genes. His team expects to find several more genes by the time the book is completed in June 2000. This book explains clearly how the research was conducted and what its remarkable findings mean for society. It...
Research Like a Pro with DNA
by Diana Elder, Nicole E Dyer, and Robin Wirthlin
Evolutionary genomics is a relatively new research field with the ultimate goal of understanding the underlying evolutionary and genetic mechanisms for the emergence of genome complexity under changing environments. It stems from an integration of high throughput data from functional genomics, statistical modelling and bioinformatics, and the procedure of phylogeny-based analysis. Statistical Theory and Methods for Evolutionary Genomics summarises the statistical framework of evolutionary gen...
Plastics from Bacteria (Microbiology Monographs, #14)
Due to the possibility that petroleum supplies will be exhausted in the next decades to come, more and more attention has been paid to the production of bacterial pl- tics including polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), polylactic acid (PLA), poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), biopolyethylene (PE), poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT), and poly(p-phenylene) (PPP). These are well-studied polymers containing at least one monomer synthesized via bacterial transformation. Among them, PHA, PLA and PBS are well...