The new 9th edition of Harry's Cosmeticology is available as a three-volume set containing over 2,600 pages of new information on the recent changes in the cosmetic and personal care industry. Chemical Publishing is now offering key parts of the title for those interested in a particular subject area covered in the book with a new line of `Focus Books’ for this purpose. Each Focus Book contains a series of selected chapters that can be used as a reference guide for a particular subject area. Thi...
Information Theoretics Based Sequence Pattern Discriminant Algorithms
by Tomas Arredondo
Protein Phosphatases and Stress Management in Plants
The regulation of the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation process, resulting in “cellular switches” that monitor normal plant physiology, growth and development, has immense potential in crop systems. With much of the information in the nascent stages, coming largely from Arabidopsis and rice particularly, the use of cell biology, genetic screens, biochemical approaches aided by an omics approach should help unravel the detail functional information available about signaling pathways in plants. T...
Genomics of Tree Crops
Trees that are indispensably supportive to human life pose a formidable challenge to breed them to suit to human needs. From soft drinks to breweries to beverages to oil to tires, the value added products from trees give a spectrum of products to human kind. While attempts to tap these resources through conventional breeding are underway, the quick and elegant way of manipulating the genetic systems at the genome level is an essential chapter of modern science. Books featuring genomics of tree...
This thorough revision of Singleton's bestselling second edition covers the essentials of bacteriology, including pure, applied, and practical aspects. Written in an accessible, easy-to-read style, the book features many new topics and over 200 new or revised references from recent literature.
Promise Of Science, The: Essays And Lectures From Modern Scientific Pioneers
This thought-provoking publication covers a wide-range of innovative areas of research and technologies that are unlocking groundbreaking new potentials in science. It contains important scientific information gleaned from the lectures of some of the world's experts in their respective fields. The book offers 'exceptional scientific insights, oftentimes addressing challenges before they are even recognized as questions. Chronicling the revolutionary ideas of Nobel Laureates, winners of Wolf Priz...
Robust Design (Santa Fe Institute Studies on the Sciences of Complexity)
Robust Design brings together 16 chapters by an eminent group of authors in a wide range of fields presenting aspects of robustness in biological, ecological, and computational systems. The volume is the first to address robustness in biological, ecological, and computational systems. It is an outgrowth of a new research program on robustness at the Sante Fe Institute founded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. For those interested in complexity or interdisciplinary science, robustness i...
Chlamydomonas Sourcebook: Organellar and Metabolic Processes
by David Stern
Blood and Homeland: Eugenics and Racial Nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900 1940
Genetics and Genomics of Rosaceae (Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models, #6)
The Rosaceae Family is represented by approximately 3,000 species of diverse plants, primarily con?ned to temperate climates. The family has a rich variety of architectural forms and contains herbaceous, tree and shrub species. Many family members are readily recognizable because of their edible seasonal fruits that are prized for their unique ?avors, colors and nutritious properties (e.g. apple, str- berry, raspberry, pear, cherry, plum, apricot, pear), as well as familiar ornamentals (e.g. ros...
DNA Repair and Recombination
Genomic instability is a major threat to living organisms. To counteract the damaging effects posed by endogenous and environmental agents, such as chemicals or radiation, micro-organisms devote several percent of their genome to encode proteins that function in the repair and recombination of DNA. For many years, a relatively small group of scientists have carefully delineated the molecular mechanisms of these repair processes, using the simplest model systems available, namely Escherichia coli...
Intelligent Person's Guide Genetics (Intelligent Person's Guide)
by Adrian Woolfson
An Intelligent Person's Guide to Genetics (Intelligent Person's Guide)
by Adrian Woolfson
Ribonucleotide Reductase Family
by Eduard Torrents, Margareta Sahlin, and Britt-Marie Sjoberg
Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), a universal enzyme present in essentially all living cells and organisms, has a central role in DNA replication and repair by catalysing production of deoxyribonucleotides from the corresponding ribonucleotides. Three major classes of RNRs are known, differing in their cofactor requirements: class I RNRs (with subclasses Ia and Ib) carry a stable tyrosyl radical and are oxygen-dependent, class II RNRs require the vitamin B12 cofactor 5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin and...
The enormous advances made in molecular biology have allowed scientists to manipulate DNA with relative ease. This means that molecular biology has become a widely-used tool for answering scientific questions that may be quite unrelated to genetics and cell biology. This new book focuses on the most important techniques needed by undergraduate and post-graduate students when undertaking research in this area. Written in an accessible style and adopting a 'discovery' approach, to encourage the...