It's been a while since I last read this series. But reading this book made everything come back like I'd just read the other 8 books recently. All the characters have strong, distinct personalities. A lot of the settings and twists are unique. And I really like the variety of fantasy species.
Trent is just as much of a selfish, obnoxious brat as I remembered him being. But towards the end of the book we start to see glimpses of other facets of his personality we haven't seen much of. I liked how Ivy is moving on from her crush/possible love interest focus on Rachel. And Jenks is still crushed by Matalina's death, but he's slowly getting back to an even keel because of his kids, Rachel and Trent.
I loved the part in the beginning, where Rachel thinks everything is going to be fine and she'll be able to fly on a plane. But Ivy and Jenks know better and have planned for worst-case scenario without informing Rachel. You know from that alone that the book is going to be full of surprises and funny moments.
I also really liked the Elf Quest, and the scenes with the Demons. Rachel has always been a fairy smart-mouthed and bad-ass character. But in this book you can actually see her growing into herself more. She's still a smart-mouth, still bad-ass, and still does a lot of things by the seat of her pants. But at the same time, you can see that she's getting a little more confident, and determined.
If you like Urban Fantasy you need to read this series. It's totally one of my favorites. And if you have read the series, but haven't gotten to this book yet, you need to read this book!
This review was originally posted on Fantasy of the Silver Dragon