Baroness Book Trove
Written on Mar 6, 2015
Anyways back to the reason for this blog post. I finished this book today and I loved every single second of it. I know I know. Your probably thinking if I loved every single second of it I would have updated my blog sooner but I couldn't because I was busy with my mom and doing other things around the house. But I swear that is past me for right now that is.
Anyways in this book like always Kate O'Hare gets herself wrapped into one of Nick Fox's elaborate cons that seemed to have started out simple but ended up being not so simple. One of the things that I like about this book is that it's so good with the cons, which would make it an action book, but it also has a good dymanic between Kate and Nick that just makes you want to go just kiss already. And that second aspect is the romantic part of it. I swear this book has every single thing that would make any reader want to read some more of it. But this is only the second book of the series that I think would be as successful as Stephanie Plum. Oh and we also get to see a little bit of Nick's back history of when he first started conning!
To read more on this review please go to my blog: http://baronessbooktrove.blogspot.com/