Written on Aug 9, 2017
Petra is a book that spans several centuries and focuses on the origins of the Essentiae (the immortals) but mostly follows our title character from her humble and sad beginnings to a woman capable of withstanding the test of time and opposition. This novel offers something a bit different in the way of vampiric origins and powers and focuses on the ‘human’ aspect of the story instead of turning it into some generic fight against a generic force of evil. We get a love story, a power struggle, and even a coming of age story all packed into one. The Essentiae don’t come about in a usual fashion, and much of the ‘why’ is still a mystery to both the reader and the characters but we do get see them struggle to learn the measure of their powers. I love that while the ‘them vs. us’ aspect seems fairly cut and dry to begin with, there is a lot going on under the surface. Not all of those who follow the ruthless Clarius do so blindly, and not all that follow Petra do so easily. One thing I really loved was the focus on Petra and Lucius’ relationship, and the way immortality and power struggles have shaped it. So often we see these immortal couples as invincible to petty things like jealousy, but Petra and Lucius are not like that. They feel deeply and just because something must be done doesn’t mean it comes without a fight. The well placed time jumps in the narrative (for that’s exactly what it is overall) proved glimpses into historical time periods and provide rather vivid backdrops, like one of my favorite chapters which take place in the old city of Kaffa (Theodosia). And let me tell you, I can tell some serious research went into this. It’s obvious not only in the setting but the way the characters speak to one another. In fact, it comes with a glossary (hyperlinked words!) filled with definitions of any words that might trip you up.
I’m super pleased with how this story turned out! I can’t wait to see where this series will go (10 books!) and how each book will develop the story of the Essentaie especially in regards to Petra.